Sunday, October 01, 2006

Boy or Girl? and shrunken high jacked brain

What is it going to be: a boy or a girl? We will find out tomorrow. To bad I have an exam during Brittney's appointment, she may hold the surprise for bargining material, good thing Ella will be there I can get the truth out of her.
Thanks to 20/20 we learned that pregnant folks have shrunken high jacked brains. up to 8% shrinkage and high jacked by hormones. That explains a lot.

I got a truck full of sod for $40 from my friend Kevin this weekend and extended my golf course a little I will post photos soon. Brittney was laughing at how dirty I got so she took a close up. I got 21 fire ant bites in the process and now carry steroid cream in my pocket.Ella and Lana taking a ride in their favorite rocket ship.We went on a hike this morning with the Page's (after they fed us a deluxe pancake, bacon and egg breakfast) before general conferance and threw some rocks into the river.
And here I am crawling out of the river, I am always the idiot trying to stand on the mossy rock in the middle of the river, Splash.

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