Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dash is a mess but he sure is fun

The other day I told Dash to sit down and he shook his head no. It was hilarious. I caught a small glimpse of it here for your watching enjoyment. He can also say Bye Bye. I'm afraid my little baby is turning into a small toddler.

All ella wanted for christmas was her own room. So we moved all the kids upstairs. Lil and Lauren are excited because now their old bedroom/playroom is our early morning exercize room. I guess it will help me get out of bed if they are knocking on my door :).

We are redoing both of the bathrooms upstairs. They just need a little love, nothing too crazy. I will post some pictures when they are done.


Sherilyn and Donovan said...

He is getting very big, and soooo cute!! Sheridon wants her own room also for Christmas, but too bad for her, she will get her own bed though.

gillespie said...

We miss you!Say hi for me.LOVE HEATHER

ROSIE said...

Are you serious!! He is so cute!!

gina said...

those gillespies love their cup o' noodles!

brit said...

what else do you feed independent kids who want to feed themselves . . . peas, noodles, cheese bits, chicken bits . . . i am way out of ideas! :) if only they loved oatmeal like ella . . .

Dana said...

Too stinkin' cute!! I hope he is not another Kate in the making, but things are looking so good, huh? :) And btw, LOVE his little Southern accent! :) Love me some Gillespie kids!

P.S. Rhae loves cheese roll ups! lots of protein!