Monday, April 30, 2012

Are all kids hippies like mine?

 There's something about having the kids play outside that makes me feel like a good mother. Bikes, sandbox, forts, the works...

 Kate is usually waiting by my bed at 6:30 am so she can tell me her plans for the day, which typically include catching frogs. At least for now I would prefer a frog over a dog or a cat. 

Lucky for me, the amazing Susan L. adopted a cat so we didn't have to. I am all about friends with pets. I imagine it's like having grandkids. Love 'em to pieces and send them home with their parents!

It's funny how there are things the wind and dirt can teach your kids that they probably won't learn anywhere else. Something about what it's like to create, to love, to be free . . .

Raising kids is holy work. Glad we signed up for the job.

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