Wednesday, February 20, 2008

demopolis sunday school--a reason to stay

Tonight kyle and i had some kids over for dinner and fun. i don't think they eat mexican very often because i had to help them wrap up their burritos. then we played a game to help us get to know one another. They wrote their answers on paper and then we read them aloud and tried to guess who said what.

Six out of the seven kids said that their biggest worry in life was graduating from either the grade they were in or from the 12th grade.

Did i ever once worry i wouldn't graduate from high school? Nope. Never even crossed my mind.

Tonight i have no answers. Just a lot of wishes. A wish for my girls on their birthdays. A wish for my mom, for always being there. And a wish for love and hope to flourish wherever they may be found.


Anonymous said...

love you toms mom oxoxoxoxoxoxox

Young Baldwin said...

Is Kate trying to eat Ella's arm in the last picture?

Becky said...

Did you make that cake Brit?