Tuesday, August 03, 2010

trendy or not

Are you like me? Sometimes when I hear everyone talking about something I tend to shy away. After all, the harry potter books can't be that good, right? (but of course, they were).

Well, Nie Nie is one of those things. Something that I had heard people talk about but never quite got around to reading. Until lately.

Now I peak in randomly to see how the survivor of this plane crash lives her life. Nothing like a midnight devotional right from the comfort of my own computer.

She inspires me. She makes me remember that it is not enough to go through the motions but to really savor all of our blessings, to hug our children tighter, to find more joy in every single thing we do.


Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

I tend to do the same things.

How Sweet it is! said...

I too read her blog. In person, she is super nice too. She brings her kids in Michaels to get fun things for them to do, and has us frame some of her pictures. Such an inspiration.