Saturday, August 15, 2009

One day we'll look back at the craziness . . .

Here are some happenings from the Gillespie home recently:

Kyle and Brit
-Celebrating 8 years of marriage tomorrow!
-Went canoeing on the little Cahaba and had a blast
-Kyle is the official rope swing KING
-Had our first overnight date in a long time. Thanks, Palmers!
-World-class singletrack and beach at Lake Lurleen
-Showered outdoors like hippies and loved every minute
-Kyle is suffering from a severe outbreak of poison oak
-Raced my first 5K in a while. Took second and forgot how much racing hurts.

Ella (5 ½)
-Started kindergarten and loves learning to read
-Mouse and the motorcycle rules
-Rallies her bike, as our neighbor said, “Like freakin’ Lance Armstrong.”
-Loves her friends and her family

“Mom, Satan has been telling me to make a wrong choice. He told me I won’t get in trouble, but I know he’s lying! Ooh, he’s talking to me again. Ooh, I just told him to BE QUIET.”

“Mom, we put the cheerios in our mouths and shot them everywhere, just like a machine gun in Iraq! Oh, you’re angry? I mean, Katie put the cheerios in her mouth . . .”

“Mom, have you ever heard of anything so lovely?”

“Oh, Mom! Look at the little centipede! Isn’t he so cute!”

Kate (2 ½)
-Sweet as can be--if she likes you--that is
-Still climbing in bed with us every night at 3:00 a.m
-As gritty and tenacious as ever
-Seriously athletic. Can easily run a mile at the local park.
-Loves milk and a MOO-vie
-Got caught "house-breaking" Ella the puppy on one of my towels. I came in just as Ella was peeing and Katie was saying, "Good job, puppy. Good job, puppy." They got in trouble for this one. Sometimes they take pretend a little too far . . .

“Daddy, what happened? (Poison Oak) Did you get hit by a car?”

“I go potty in the potty! Dad be so proud!”

While climbing something treacherous: “Mom, no worries! I got this!”

“Mom, I went potty yesterday! I no need go! I promise you!”

“Mom, you the best mom ever!”

Favorite expressions while riding her bike: “Mom, I beat you!” or while going up hills, “I push through! I push through!”

Dash (barely 8 months)
Dash can climb up stairs.
Dash loves waffles. L.O.V.E. loves them
Dash smiles at anything that moves
Dash is my happy place and loves his sisters
Dash is going to start sleeping through the night soon. I feel it. :)


dishka said...

Your family is so great! I envy you so much. I have a pretty good family too and you inspire me to let loose a little and enjoy them more.

Love the story about pretending to be puppies!!

Tricia said...

Happy Anniversary! I am jealous of your night away. You have a great family. Give your little ones a hug from us!

Sarah said...

Love this post!!!
You're kids are just the way I thought they would be....full of life and character!:)