Monday, July 31, 2006

Super Nerd 3000

Her is a photo of some of the study material I have used to prepare for the national board exam. I read all those books and the black one twice. I should be ready for the exam.

Tomorrow is the big day. I am pretty excited to get it over with. I am really sick of studying, it is all I have been doing for the last 3 weeks. I am a super nerd. I did go for a little bike ride this morning which was refreshing, and I hit a bunch of golf balls during study breaks.

There are some pretty dumb rules about the test. #1 dumb rule, no food during the exam, have you ever taken a 4 hour exam without eating? It is like doing a 4 hour ride with no food. and there are 3 legs of 4 hours. #2 dumb rule, only clear liquids and only a certain water bottle can be used. My performance enhancing drink of choice is Coke, I am going to have to settle with sprite. I could not find a caffienated beverage that is clear. I even bought red bull but it is yellow.

Pray for me and wish me luck.

1 comment:

s day @ said...

Good Luck! (from Kevin day's wife)