Saturday, July 15, 2006


I went out for a bike ride this morning at around 9:00 and about melted the temp was hovering around 100. I actual hooked up with another rider, an older guy about 55 or so and we rode together for an hour. I rarely see other riders and it is nice to ride with someone once in a while. I think that is why I picked up golf, I was so board riding the same roads all alone.
Ella is a cut kid. She likes to say wal-fart and go there to see the fishies. She is learning her alphabet, loves to play sports, like soccer, golf, badmitten, and catch and she is riding her tricycle now. I have hopes that we will be on the tour together one day, pga tour that is not tour de france. You know I could be her caddie and brit could be water girl.

This is the frog that lives in the bush next to the garage, he is cool.

I am building a golf practice facility in my yard, including putting green, chipping area, sand trap and driving range. I've got to keep my skill sharp so I can break 80. I will post some photos as things progress. It is going to be awesome.

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