This is the 5th black widow have found around our house in the past week. The terminix guy came Wednesday and I found this huge one on the back porch, dead luckily. The terminix guy usually comes every 3 months but it had been about 6 months since his last visit and the spiders were starting to take over.
I forgot to mention the scorpion that I accidentally pick up off the kitchen floor the other morning. I walked in to the kitchen and saw something on the floor that I thought was a piece of beef jerkey that I was eating the day before and was going to throw it away. In my defense, I have been sleeping with some ointment in my eyes lately and when I wake up my vision is a little blurry. So I pick up the scorpion and it takes me about 1 second to figure out it is not beef jerky, by some miracle it did not sting me. Thats #3 we have found in the house since we have moved here. Alabama, got to love it.
Brittney and Ella are in Utah now and I will be there next week after the board exam. I have still been studying like mad and am getting really sick of it. I am going golfing this afternoon because I need abig time break from studying.
You have all heard about the Floyd dopping scandal but have you heard that they are going to start doing dopping test on the PGA tour. No joke, I just read about it the other day. It will be quite the scandal if we find out that Tiger is all roided up. It will no longer be the game of gentlemen.
The dopping in cycling are pretty much the reason I am not racing anymore, I figured that in a couple of years when I won the world championship that I wouldn't be able to pass the drug tests, so I thought I would same myself the embarrassment and pick up golf instead. I do not know what I am going to do now though, I guess I can't join the pga tour either. I guess I will just stick to being an eye doctor but it is not the drug tests I have to worry about it is the national boards next week. If I can't pass the boards then I will just have to go to my back up, back up, back up plan, golf ball dredging.