No my game did not get hot, my
temperature was hot. 70 degrees in Jan. is great. My golf game was pretty lousy, my knee hurt really bad, and I have a heel that started hurting a few days ago, and the fairways were like a muddy pasture. I paid for 18 holes but threw in the towel at nine because it was sick of slinging mud around and I missed Brittney and Ella. I tried a new course today and I thought "country clubs" were supposed to be the cream on the crop, but I must have forgotten that things are a little different in
podunk Alabama.
Every time I return to Alabama after being in Utah, I am pretty worthless for awhile. I think the past week has been the most unproductive week of my life, I did not even post on the blog. I am kind of coming out of it today, I did a bunch of junk around the house like put away
christmas decor in the attic, washed
brittney's car with Ella and even mustered up the strength to go to
If it weren't for good friends like Todd and Gina to have me over every night for dinner I probably would have starved to death because I couldn't get myself to go to
walmart, all I could do was buy a $5 gallon of 2% milk at the gas station. I hate 2%, I need skim. but come to think of it, I did golf 3 times this week.
hmmm, I've got problems.