Now that I have lived in Alabama for a year and a half I am used to dealing with dogs on my bike rides. I usually can't ride without being chased by at least one dog and frequently I am chased by packs of up to 5 or 6. Sometimes they surprise me but I learn where they hang out and I get my sprint ready. But today was a little different, I had a head on with a dog! I was going down a steep hill, 30+ mph when when I see a black dog coming toward me from the side of the road which is elevated about 15-20 feet and a very steep incline. Almost instantly I could tell this dog and I were going to meet in the middle of the road if one 0f us did not change our course. I hit the brakes but it wasn't enough,I plowed into the dog and the rest is history. Ouch! I came away relatively in good shape, hip, elbow and forearm scraped up and the biggest blisters I have ever seen on my hand. (lessoned learned always wear gloves) As far as the dog, I am not sure, I am pretty sure it is ok, it was still barking as I peeled myself of the ground. I rode the 2o minute ride home feeling pretty good, the adrenaline must have been pumping. Good news, I can still swing a golf club.
Aside from the run in with the dog I spent most of the day studying for a test on contact lenses and taking the test. I am really excited about contact lenses. If you are a contact lens wearer you should be excited about the advances that are taking place in the contact lens industry to increase comfort, wearing time, convenience, and side effects. The new silicone hydogel lenses are being designed to wear 7 days without taking them out and there is one lens that has been approved by the FDA for 30 days of continuous wear. Contacts are are becoming a low risk alternative to Lasik surgery. These new materials are even making it easier for younger children to be safely fitted with contacts. I am sure most kids would love to get rid of their glasses.
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