Dredging is scary. In fact, I have never been so scared in my life. I decided to hit the ponds tonight and do a little dredging. It has been a few months since the last time I was out. The ponds have really come alive since it has warmed up ( it was 90 degrees today). The sounds coming out of and around the pond were freakish, I have never heard anything like it in my life. This added a little spookiness to the adventure. So I get started throwing my dredger into the pond and pulling it out, not having as much success as I have had in the past. At one point I happened to glance up the bank and about died from what I saw. Two big firey burning eyes glaring down me. It was as if I was looking at the devil himself. I froze, fear set in, and I wished I had bought that 38 special a few months ago. I couldn't tell what it was but it was checking out my every move. It slowly walked away not taking its eyes off me. I did not move for about 3 minutes, just shining my headlamp at the evil eyes and I still could not tell what kind of wild beast I was dealing with. I decided right then, dredging is over rated. Needless to say I packed up my stuff very quickly and got out of there. I only came home with 30 golf balls but I didn't care because I didn't get mauled. I will not dredging again until next winter when it is too cold for anything to be alive.
If you think the woods in the southeast are harmless check this out http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/04/13/AR2006041302305.html
I did get out for a round of golf after school today and had a great time with the new clubs. The new sasquatch driver is amazing, I hit a few nearly 300 yards. I still stink at golf though, I've got a lot to work on.

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