I did not finish studying last night until after 2:00am and I had to get up at 6:30am to get to school. I went to the northern health center today to see patients, each Friday a group of 7 of us are assigned to do eye exams at this satellite clinic. We didn't get back to school until about 12:50, just in time to to take the killer cornea and external disease exam. I got a B on the exam which I am happy with. Following the exam Todd and I started practicing for our full exam practical on Tuesday. The full exam practical is exactly that, a comprehensive eye exam with every darn test you can think of while an instructor is breathing down your neck, watching your every move making sure you do everything just right. It is a long exam, 1 hour and 40 minutes and that is if you are flying. I got home at 7:00pm tonight and I am really tired, I will be heading to bed real soon after I check out the new golf magazine that showed up in the mail today.
I have these exam practicals about once a month on various procedures and they have become my replacement for mountain bike races. In a way they are same, you spend hours and hours preparing and getting ready and when the time comes to take the exam you get really nervous like when you are lined up on the start line but when you start going it is not so bad unless you really mess up and then you are mad at your self, because you knew that you were prepared and could have done better. When you do well and get a good grade it is like placing well at a race. Ok, so it really stinks that this has replaced my mountain bike racing but one day I will be back on the racing circuit and all this hard work will be funding my racing. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I am pretty much half way done and am starting to carve my path to where I want to be after graduation and I am excited. It is a lot of hard work but everything worth while in life is: marriage, children, career, church, biking, golf, to name a few.
Birmingham is under a tornado worming tonight, I guess it is going to get nasty. Public school was let at noon today. As I speak the wind is really roaring outside, I better go secure the fortress. The last tornado warning we had picked up Ella's play house and swing set and tossed them into the neighbors fence. Lets hope I will be around tomorrow to add another chapter to "life as a gillespie".
1 comment:
Good Luck with the tornado, hope you don't get snow. Saw Ella last night, she's a doll.
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