The post I wrote yesterday mysteriously disappeared. My Callaway big bertha fusion irons came. That was the big news of the day. I am missing Brittney and Ella but the Fusions helped ease the pain and they hit great. After I dropped Brittney and Ella off at the airport I slept in the nissan quest for an hour in the school parking lot before I had to go to class. We had to wake up at 4:45am to get to the airport. In school we worked on an advanced technique called scleral indentaion, it is a technique to get a better view of the retina. It involves a probe inserted on the eyelid and pushed back behind the eye which indents the eye to give a better view of the retina. I had a photo of it yesterday but I do not have time to find one tonight. I'll post a picture later.
I have a big exam tomorrow. My friend Todd and I are studying right now and we will be up very, very late. We went to the local podunk gas station to buy a coke and some antifreeze coolant (my volvo was running low) and the cashier told me not to buy the antifreeze because it was to expensive. That was a first, a business owner telling me not to buy their merchandise, only in Alabama. Todd and I got a good laugh. I will post a picture of the staition it will explain a lot. by the way the coolant was peak brand an cost $9.65 and I bought it. The lady was freeking out saying "bless your heart" over and over. ? Wish us luck on the exam.
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