Every night before my kids go to bed I tell them three reasons why I love them. Ella thought I would run out of reasons, but I have proved her wrong. Now every night she waits with wide eyes and says, "Mom, don't forget my three things!"
I always want my kids to know I love them. I always want my family and friends to know I love them. I may just start dishing out three things randomly, so just know you've been warned.
All we have are moments. Let's make the best of them!

Good idea Brit. I need to try that out with my kids. They would love it! Oh, and I agree The Help was an amazing book. I loved it! You need to move to Chile and then you could hire a maid to help you out when you're having back problems (and she'll even help you out when your not)! Hope things are going great for you guys!
That is so sweet. Tell Ella, Kate, and Dash I could give them three new reasons every night why I love them. Those pictures are so cute and fun too, he is getting so big.
Hope you are feeling better. Clay suggested I come out to see you. I think I need a break from AL!
Dash is so cute! I love your idea!I hope you are feeling better!
LOVE THIS! Executing plan immediately.
I love you because you're selfless. You used to massage my hands when they hurt back in high school without ever telling me that you had hand pain yourself.
I love you because you are supportive. You have been a big support to me through the past years of crap. So thanks.
I love you because your foxy, a talented musician, and more athletic than anyone i've ever met. . .but wait. that's kind of why i dislike you. :)
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