So today I am the kind of happy that comes from deep down. Music is a part of my other life and I feel like it has been on hold for a long time. Today we bought an Essex by Steinway. It was used, a great deal, and has a beautiful tone that is so mellow and sweet. Kyle has listened to enough brassy pianos in the last month that even he agreed this was the one for us.

I have been composing lately and want to see if I can't create a few songs worth listening to. And I think I can bring something to the piano in my adult life that I was unable to fully apply as a teenager: discipline.
Neither of my parents play the piano but I am thankful for the sacrifices they made so I could. Because pianos are expensive and we have been in school for a long time, I made a deal with the man upstairs years ago that if he would help preserve what skills I had until I could get a piano I would happily accompany anyone in church or elsewhere. I feel like He has kept his end of the deal and I have tried to uphold mine.
I have also started to teach Ella and the other day she came to me with a song she had wrote herself, with maybe a hundred quarter and half notes on it. She told me it was called, "You're the one for me." And that, my friends, is a different post entirely :).
Beautiful piano. I love hearing my girls play our also!! It is a great thing to have, and I think it is important for children to be surrounded with music it just is so wonderful! Congrats.
Tiny tear drop. It is so beautiful and you absolutely deserve it. I hope you have so much fun playing it. Good luck with Ella. It sounds like she will be quite the artist. :)
I too make "deals" all the time with "the man upstairs."
Brit!! I am SO JEALOUS of your piano. What a treasure. I know what you mean about putting it on hold. I don't think my husband even knows my love for playing the piano, because since we've been married, I have been separated from my parent's piano. . .therefore never play. I love your prayer to preserve your skills. I'm sure he has and you'll be a pro again in no time. I was always so jealous of your ability to improvise on the piano in high school. I was never good at that, and silently coveted your skills when you'd play gigs with our friends! I hope you do start to compose. . .you'd be awesome. I want to hear!!
Okay- now it is time for you to make me a new CD. We listen to 'One More Year Baby' every Sunday. Sometimes it makes me miss Teeton. :)
I'm spo excite you finally got your piano!! Just wigh you were still across the street so I could hear your songs and Ella's! so did Ella write her song for Saul? :) I miss you guys so very much, even if I never call or write! Love you!
Cant wait to hear your stuff Brit! Love to have such talented friends :)!!!!
You made a deal with God?! Yikes! :)
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