So, lest my last post sounded a little too "my life is perfect," this one is dedicated to some things I've been thinking about this month. maybe you can relate.
-I love my kids. They bring me so much happiness. Each time there's a new addition to the G household, I am surprised at how much I completely love them and how perfectly, absolutely, they belong.
-With that said, it is a daily struggle to keep my house clean and in order. I can imagine that one awesome thing about daycare/school is that no one is home during the day to mess the house up. We are home all the time and no matter how much I pick up, there is a new mess waiting for me. It's hard to get motivated when everything is undone so quickly.
-Laundry is the mother of all swear words at my house. There is always a pile of laundry to be folded. And clean laundry is almost more daunting then dirty laundry! why can't it just make its way back to its home? ARE YOU TOO GOOD FOR YOUR HOME?
-Do people have dogs to eat all the food their kids throw off the table? seriously annoying. I swept at least three times today.
-Selling a house really suuuuckkkkkkks. Especially when you have mixed feelings on the matter and are going to lose big money. Alas, its just money, right?
-Why can't Alabama and Utah border each other? There are so many amazing, wonderful people in this little town in Alabama. But it's soooooo far away from family and my mom. Especially my mom.
-There are certain realities to having young kids. For example, there are times when my friends need help with something and I want to be there, but . . . I have 3 kids.
-Going along with that, church can be crazy. For example, now that Kyle doesn't sit with us the kids and I have been working on being more reverent in sacrament meeting. "It's how we support Daddy in his calling." Fine and dandy. Until i have to play the piano and farm my kids out to willing members of the congregation. And until they start MEOWING the hymn "there is sunshine in my soul" like loud, happy kitties! Trying to shut your kids up, while playing the piano, while maintaining the spirit of the meeting in such a small building is comedy at its best.
-When Kyle gets home my first instinct is to say "TAKE THEM." But he works hard too, so usually we have dinner, he gets an hour or so of bike or golf in, and THEN i say take them. But somedays that moment just doesn't come fast enough and I feel like if i don't get out of the house this second I am going to explode.
Anyway, these aren't real problems; people with cancer have real problems. So I am not sharing this to whine or whatever. I'm just saying that sometimes it's okay to be real about things and if you ever need to talk to someone who understands, I am your girl.
I am also recommitting to a better attitude. It seems like I routinely start the month with a good attitude and then all the little things hack at it until I have to shake off and start anew. Anyway, here's to keeping our eyes on the prize and all that. Cause even with all the craziness there are those moments of pure joy that make it all worth it.
it is all worth it. every single minute.
Hang in there... I remember those days but now we sit together during church and make faces at tall the little kids. Great fun !
It is all worth it and then you wake up and find yourself attending high school graduation for your youngest child and you wonder where the years went. You will miss these moments one day and wish you had them back.
Don't sweat the small stuff, and remember, there will always be laundry and crumbs. But the children will not be there forever.
When you need a break bring them to Gardendale.
Ok…following your sequence…
1. You are such an awesome mom!
2. Your house is always picked up and that is what people see, so it looks clean!
3. It’s your home…JUST GO TO YOUR HOME…(love it!)
4. Yes, many people use their dogs as vacuum cleaners…if you ever want to borrow Lucy, let me know!
5. Tell Kyle to give it up…the house isn’t selling and you aren’t moving! :)
6. I wish Alabama bordered Texas as well, cause I miss my mom too.
7. Isn’t it funny how when our kids are little, sometimes we wish they were bigger, and when they’re bigger, sometimes we wish they were smaller again?
8. Always remember…God said make a joyful noise, but didn't specify which noises were off limits!
9. I’ve told you before, I’ll tell you again, your 2 or 3 are welcome here anytime! If you need a break you can send them over. The girls are great entertainers for Rhae!
10. Just my added number…I love you!!
Love you Brit and I love that you are REAL. So many aren't especially on their blogs. :)
Why can't the 4 corners include Utah, Texas, Alabama and umm- don't care about the last. :)
Miss you.
Brit, I love to read your blog! Youre the mom i hope to be in all your moments real and magical and fun and hard and everything else!!! Thanks for being the one I talk to when i need support and when i need real. Love ya!
Oh. . . real blogging, that's what this should be called. Thanks for sharing your real moments. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are EVENTS at our home everyday as well and I am pretty sure that we have vacuumed the length of a marathon with our vacuum. We are in the trenches as the moms! You sound like you must be doing it right, "It's the hard that makes it great. If it were easy, everyone would do it." -A League of Their Own
Our house in Tennessee isn't selling either! Doesn't anyone buy homes anymore?!! We will say a prayer for you.
Love, Michelle Ballantyne
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