Forget spring, we are in summer mode here. At this rate we'll be swimming by April.
Thanks, Kyle, for your awesome handywork. I brought home the parts, then Kyle purchased some lumber and went to town.
PS were sandboxes invented by mothers? the kids LOVE them but dang if sand doesn't get everywhere.

Forget the swingset- that balance beam is awesome. The girls look so graceful too. I love it. okay, the swingset rocks. you have a slide and a swing- Sienna's two favorite things. We'll be there in a couple weeks. love ya!! Oh and tell Dash to stop growing for a little bit
... and your brilliant babysitter saves the day again. (suggesting he build the swing set) How's Sister G's hammock coming along? :)
swing sets are the best! we wish we had your weather though so we could actually go out and play on ours :)
how big is dash now?
the pic of Dash is SOOO cute! and i love that the girls are in dance costumes :-) youre the coolest mom ever!
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