These cupcakes, and the below pictures of her creations, are reason # 376, 377, and 378 why she is the perfect wife.
In fact, she is the inpiration behind my new club: the optimist club.
There is so much right in the world. My kids, my husband, the unlimited potential of human goodness. Being sick for 9 months really turns a light on life when you start to feel good.
Anyway, my club is free and you are all welcome to join. I nominate karin as honorary vice-president. Maybe we can talk her into bringing refreshments.
You're too funny. I would absolutely love to be in the optimist club. :) Those were not the goodies that you should've showed though... those mint cookies look horrible. JK Love ya Brit and I can't wait to see you in 2 weeks!!! Matt is officially not coming. Darn it but oh well.
what are we being optamistic about? Maybe that the more I eat for this baby the bigger she will be and not me when it's over!
I would love to join, just send me the registration forms! lol B
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