Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Trail of Milk

Hansel and Gretel left a trail, why not Kate. Although Kate left hers with MILK!!!

AHh. Today I thought I'd be extra sweet and make Kyle a warm lunch for a cold day. I gave the girls their cups of milk. They love milk so much its not usually a problem. I left the kitchen to check up on them and Kate had emptied her sippy into little cups for all her animals, and her animals were soaked with milk and there was a trail of milk down the steps to the kitchen. It seems a little bit of milk goes a long way.

I chased her around for awhile and finally caught up to her trying to pull all the covers off my bed.

As I was chasing her she kept yelling "YES, MA'AM, YES MA'AM."

Ella was yelling, "You can run but you can't hide!"

I was yelling but i won't repeat what.

Then as Kate was running away from me she ran into something and hurt her finger. "MY PIGGY! My PIGGY!"If she weren't so dang cute I may smash her.

Oh, and on another note, I asked Ella, "Why do you keep bugging your sister." Her honest reply: Because I like to hear her scream.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Bring it, Dorothy

The last two nights have been rough.

It thunders with the wrath of God down here. Our bed ain't big enough for the five of us.

Anyway, tonight is supposed to be the mother of all storms, starting at midnight until 5 a.m.

Could someone please tell me why we didn't buy a house with a cozy basement and flatscreen TV? Instead, when the siren gets bad you can find us huddled under our stairs.

Anyway, on a lighter note, here's a picture of dash. He is such a good baby. I love him for making our days so bright and keeping us smiling all the time.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The last time I saw a mouth like that . . .

. . . it had a hook in it! ha ha. I took the girls to the duck pond with no intentions of catching a fish. We had bread and some hooks. Anyway, within minutes ella had caught a fish. I was so surprised I almost fell over. Kyle wasn't with me, so i had to do the dirty work myself and unhook the little fella. Then she caught another one and then kate caught two in a row!

Of course we went back the next night, and in 15 minutes we caught two more fish and a turtle.
Fishing is definately on our top 10 things to do in demopolis. The pictures are from my camera phone, hope you can see them.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

i want the originals

okay, orla, i want the originals. a nice tribute to the bama possee. http://www.vobster.blogspot.com/

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Summer is here

Forget spring, we are in summer mode here. At this rate we'll be swimming by April.

Thanks, Kyle, for your awesome handywork. I brought home the parts, then Kyle purchased some lumber and went to town.

PS were sandboxes invented by mothers? the kids LOVE them but dang if sand doesn't get everywhere.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Optimist Club

Check out my sister's latest creation. Homemade, buttercream-topped hostess cupcakes, dipped in chocolate and filled with some kind of yumminess.

These cupcakes, and the below pictures of her creations, are reason # 376, 377, and 378 why she is the perfect wife.

In fact, she is the inpiration behind my new club: the optimist club.

There is so much right in the world. My kids, my husband, the unlimited potential of human goodness. Being sick for 9 months really turns a light on life when you start to feel good.

Anyway, my club is free and you are all welcome to join. I nominate karin as honorary vice-president. Maybe we can talk her into bringing refreshments.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tips for vacationing with kids

Tips for vacationing with kids below. But first a few more photos for the grandparents. Here is tybee island . . .

. . . . a horse/carriage tour through savannah.

kate playing chicken with the waves
girls gearing up for their bike ride

kate riding the stick-together bike.

checking out the tractors at peach county

kate chasing ella chasing a goose near some pecan orchards . . .
TIPS for vacationing with kids:
  • 1. only plan one thing a day that you want to accomplish. the rest is gravy.

2. do not do anything that requires an attention span of over 1 hour.

3. do not plan on eating anywhere fancy. keeping kids polite in a resturant after a long day is not vacationing, it's rocket science.

4. always get a hotel with an indoor pool.

5. watch out for kids in the backseat trying to hit babies in the middle seat with pistachios: "Ten points if you get it in the mouth; five if you hit him in the head; one if you make it in the carseat."

And i guess just try to enjoy every minute cause they grow up so dang fast.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Savannah here we come!

Kyle and I are tree people. We love trees. We collect them in our memories and are excited to see some hanging moss in savannah this weekend. Pics coming soon . . .

Sunday, March 01, 2009

My dad is a rock star

Dash was supposed to be blessed today. But it snowed in sunny alabama and church was cancelled! frankly, i couldn't have been more excited if santa himself popped through the chimney. We really needed a day to recharge.

Then my dad called and said it was meant to be. He is flying to texas, picking up my sister and driving to bama so he can help bless dash in April. That is just the kind of rock star he is. Dug goes big or goes home. And to illustrate, I have attached a picture of his new stackers for your blogging pleasure.

Has anyone seen Kate? I can't find her.