But . . . Romney's cpac-turned-concession speech really moved me and helped me be optomistic about the future of the conservative movement. It reinforced my committment to teach my girls about what America can offer her people, if we let her.
So on that note, i took the girls to the park for some fun in the sun. we stayed outside for about 3 hours. it was a much needed recharge as we get ready for an upbeat weekend with the page family, our last before they move to vermont.

kyle looks like such a geek with that pen in his dress shirt pocket ;)
i'm with you on the speech...it actually gave me hope. let's just pray for a good outcome.
I didn't hear the speech and was shocked when Wayne told me. Although I kind of had a feeling it would happen soon.
Wow Britney, I never had you pegged as such a politically involved person. Good for you...too many people are way to lax about being involved in their government and participating in the democratic process (how else would we elect a total crook to be mayor in Birmingham?)
I don't consider myself a politically savy person...but I was saddned by Romnney's withdrawl. He will continue to do good wherever he is at and that is encouraging. I am jealous about the park outing...it is still so COLD here, I can't wait to go play at the park for 3 hours!!!
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