17.Because Gina calculates driving time to Vermont in pottery barn outlet's passed.
16. Because we have a new child-proofing method: "Luke Proof."
15.Because we talked them into ditching their apartment for a sweet house near ours.
14.Because their kids are blond and cute enough to claim as our own.
13.Because Todd gives the best welcome speeches at dinner.
12. Because Gina has put up with me calling her "Tina" for all these years.
11. Because no one has more passion for Costco. Seriously.
10. Because they pay tens, hundreds, or even thousands less than we do for everything.
9. Because Todd is always up for a good debate. Even with Ella.
8. Because when Gina forgets her walking shoes she uses kyle's.
7. Because one working mom understands the other.
6. Because Todd witnessed Kyle's mishap with gas and fire and lived to tell about it.
5. Because our van is still programed with their garage door.
4. Because they share our love of pico de gillo.
3. Because days at the pool just won't be the same without them!
2 .Because Alabama just won't be the same without them!
1. Because we now have a new vacation home--VERMONT!
Todd got a sweet job in vermont in his home town of Rutland and i believe Gina has officially retired. YAHOO. Here's to good times!