I found a golf course that is open,
westpoint golf course at
slc airport. Roger and I made a quick trip there yesterday for a round of 18. It was really fun, the greens were frozen so a great shot bounced off the green, but what do you expect for Utah in December. I played much better than my score reflected, 84.

Where do you think my skills came from? Rog, he shot a 102 and only plays once every few years. Here he is in action attacking the approach shot.

On the 10
th hole a fox came to check us out, It came within 3 feet of me so I fed it my
granola bar, he followed us down the hole and I gave it some more
granola. We couldn't believe it.

If you are looking for a really great snow ride in Utah county, check out rock canyon. I rode up there today and the conditions are great, you better go quick because if it warms up, heavy traffic usually turns it into a bob sled run.

My creative photographer side came out so I snapped a few photos of the pretty canyon.

I'm out of the freezer tomorrow and headed back home to the heater, 60 degree temps will be nice. Utah is well worth the cold though, less than a year and we will be back for good.
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