Third, If the float is throwing out snickers, watch out, Gina is quicker than mustache man.
Fourth, A hot tub float with halter top girl feels a little out of place for a family gathering, but what the heck, its Christmas

The Temps went from 80 to 40 overnight. We almost got taken out by a few tornado's the other night and I guess it blew in the cold weather, probably won't last long, its Alabama after all.
I played some golf today, shot an 83. I've finally got a complete club set that I am satisfied with, hopefully I can learn how they play and drop back into the 70's again. I am going to add a new link to my blog called "in the bag" it will be a description and photos of my latest and greatest sticks. coming soon, stay posted.
This just in from ABC 33/40: kid fell off float and ran over by tractor and he was taken children's hospital.
clever, pick on the fat kid to increase hits :)
Love the new Title pic, Kyle. Gotta work on something for my own page.
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