I want to remember the magic of watching my little family grow up and the privilege of watching them create, imagine, explore and play.
I want to remember how being settled is like tapping into a well of happiness. How even on days when all I accomplish are laundry and vacuuming I am smiling because we are content and this is home.
I want to remember how grateful I am for those promptings and instincts in your life that tell you to take an unexpected path: like moving to the middle of nowhere; like purchasing a home that wasn’t your ideal; like tackling something as crazy as homeschool.
I want to remember how it felt to watch my sweet husband take care of our three-year-old who had the flu. How Kyle made them both a bed on the floor and was so patient for hours on end. I tell you, that experience was up there on the list of moments I knew I married the right man.
February is the month of love. We love all of you and can’t wait for baby # 4 to join in all the fun.

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