My kids L.O.V.E. my mom. They won't leave her alone. They want her to feed them, bathe them, sleep with them . . . they even ask me to pretend I'm Grandma Anne.
When she left this morning, Ella was crying and said, "We've done this a million times and I still hate it!"
We know how she feels! But we are sooo glad she came and can't wait to see her again.
my favorite "...and have me pretend I am Grandma Anne"
Your mom is the absolute best.
Grandmas and puppies are the best!!
Um, well who WOULDN'T love your mom? She IS the best! I love what Ella said about doing this a million times. She is so funny. Cole is going through this too right now. Last week he was really somber in the car and staring out the window with a sad face. I asked him what was wrong. He said, "I just miss my grandmas and grandpas so much." Ahhh! It's enough to put a dagger in your heart. Our kids are so lucky to have such great g-parents.
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