We've secured temporary housing in washington, about 10 minutes from kyle's work. Here are some pix. Complete with two golf courses, 5 pools, hot tubs, softball field, gym, and the columbia river. It's a vacation community for people coming over from seattle. The gorge is about 40 minutes away if you like concerts. Plan your visit now. Booking from January to July.
We want to visit ASAP!!
Brit, I know you are busy. We need to talk. Life is making some nice changes for us as well. Nice changes that will allow us to travel more.
Very cool!! I am glad it is so nice!
Who needs Disney World? Sign us up for a visit! You are going to have a blast in Washington. Wish I could help you with the moving process! Have fun!
Wow...way jealous! Maybe we need to consider a move...
Wait a second... have you moved to Washington too? Chad and I live in Seattle, and it would be great to have some family near by. Let me know, I'd love to see you :)
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