Where to start? Kyle turned in his notice at work. We are buying a practice in Washington State and there is a lot to do in the next two months.
Wrap up loose ends in Reno
Find good schools in new state
Find nice house in new state
Find renters to replace current lease
Move all of our junk
Begin prepping for takeover of new business
Frankly, I’m still not over leaving my friends in Bama so my coping strategy this time around borders somewhere between avoidance and denial. Suffice it to say I love my people and don’t like to leave them.
On the other hand, I am so excited for Kyle to find the opportunity he is looking for. We moved to Demopolis to buy a practice and when it was clear that wasn’t going to work out Kyle began searching for the right thing.
It is an interesting feeling looking at a map of the country and saying, “Okay, where do we want to build a life.” I always thought I would raise my family in Utah, but with limited options there we have expanded our vision.
Our qualifications were 1. Live somewhere that inspires us. 2. Live somewhere we can make a good living and not struggle. 3. Live within striking distance of family.
I hope Washington proves to be all of those things. From my limited experience there it seems like recreation heaven with access to lots of new adventures.
Moving sucks, and that’s that. But when asked to trade the people we’ve met and the experiences we’ve had . . . I choose the people and experiences every time.
I feel like our time here in Nevada has been a gift. Tahoe’s blue water is spiritual. And the people in Reno have been amazing. I don’t know . . . some things change you and you are never the same.
So . . . that’s the Gillespie update. And because we have some dead space in the next month where we have a lot of waiting to do I think I am going to run a marathon. It just seems fitting. After all, thirties are the new twenties, right?
Anyway, miss all of you, wherever you are.