Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Nine years are king!

Happy 9th Anniversary to us. Yeah! And to celebrate, we bought 18 extra inches of bed. It is already changing our lives.

Kyle is a sweetie. He surprised me with roses and dinner. We are also headed to Washington this weekend so the anniversary continues . . .

So what have we done in the last nine years? A few fun facts:

-2 bachelor degrees and a doctorate
-2 houses, including a major remodel
-4 cities, 3 states
-3 children
-a lot of adventures

Things have been busy around here. I told a friend I would help her train for a marathon in October. I ran 12 miles saturday and wasn't sore. That's a good sign.

(Did I mention my new running partner went to culinary school and swam in college? So I quiz her on cooking techniques and now get free swim lessons.)

Anyway, i should have some good posts soon. A few major things in the works and a lot of moving parts. Whenver I get stressed, i say out loud: "I don't have problems. People with cancer have problems!" Or, something like that. Just feeling really lucky to have such a great family who makes life so full and worth living.


Karin said...

Love the bedding!! Happy Anniversary.

Tricia said...

Happy Anniversary! Your bed is beautiful! Your comment about problems was so good. I can hear just how you would say that and have made a mental note to repeat the phrase often. Have a great time in Washington and drive safe!

Sherilyn and Donovan said...

Happy Anniversary!! You have had a very full life already!! I love your bed!!

Mindy Hill said...

Congrats! I saw those darling girls of yours at church yesterday and they made me smile! Have a wonderful trip!