Our house backs up to a walking path and protected wetlands. It is a great place for the kids to ride bikes. Kate (aka "full throttle") can go all out and I don't have to worry about her getting flattened by a car.
The very small but very entertaining waterfall. The other day I watched Kate strip off her boots, then socks, then pants, then underwear and sit in it
This park is for gladiators in training and is just a short ride down the path.
Dash hanging in his chair.
Those first two pictures and the very last are just as cute as ever. I can't believe Ella is in kindergarten. I love Kate on her bike with her scarf and Dash couldn't be any cuter!! He already looks so much bigger. Oh, and that park does look amazing.
Oh how I miss Reno! I hope you are enjoying it out there! What part of town do you guys live?
Great park, looks like a perfect place for your family. Your new neighborhood will soon learn how lucky they are to have the Gillespie family.
Yay! I can tell we will be good friends, you are hilarious!
Just so you know, I will be blog stalking you now . . . bwahahah
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