Vacations are even funner when the kids get along and don't fight. Drew kept calling me "Katie's mom."
This is a picture of Andy's land. 32 acres of pristine georgia soil. Kyle and the girls enjoyed riding the intruder buggy. We are excited to go visit them after their house is built sometime next year.
One of my favorite things to do is look at homes. So after the boys got done with their golf, Laura surprised me with a tour of nashville home show! Yeah! It was so fun. The insides were AMAZING. For a town of 4,000 they have some incredible decorators.
PS Laura is prego with the third solomon BOY.
I'm glad you were able to go see them. Congratulations to Laura!! It sounds like Andy has plenty of land- you should go build with them and live in GA. :)
Looks like you had a lot of fun, great pictures. You are awesome mom's I don't know if I would have survived the zoo.
You told me when Dash was born that he looked like Kate. With his increased mobility/activity, he is proving that he is Kate's brother. I love the Montgomery Zoo, just big enough, but not so big that the children are wore out.
Bad news, Clay has to work the weekend of Thanksgiving. Maybe we can come your way the weekend after. I will call you soon.
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