Fridays are my new favorite days because they mean a date with Kyle and our bikes. Bonita Lakes has miles and miles and miles of amazing singletrack and it is only 50 minutes from our home. Come visit and we'll take you to see for yourself.

Kyle and Dash crusing the town.

I'm finally getting into shape after a long and pregnant winter, metaphorically speaking :). Only 4 pounds to go!

Kyle is a sweetie and keeps my bike tuned and ready. He also bought me new shoes and pedals. Egg beaters are awesome. I guess that tells you how long I've been out of the game if my last pair of pedals were speedplays.
We have officially started saving for the his and her cannondale scalpel fund. It may take us a couple of years but half the fun is anticipation, right?
Woo woo! :)
is there something wrong with speedplays? I didn't know my bike was so out of date!
I love that your girls are cheer leaders. That is soooo cute. I wish I could come out and see. Maybe I could talk mike into a ticket for me to go to Alabama, he is going to Ohio next month to help his brother build a deck. I could come help you sell your home!
no, beckster, but the egg beaters don't stop working when they get dusty or sandy :) and they were cheap :) but speedplays are still great, so don't worry.
if you come out and visit you can use kyle's bike and try them out for yourself :) i will take you to bonita and we will ride like old times
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