Monday, January 12, 2009

sarah, does this come out of a magazine?

seriously, just one nap later.

and an update on dash . . .


Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

Ha ha. That's funny. It could be in a magazing.

Dash is getting big.

Kathy said...

Dash looks a little shocked and scared, he probably just woke up from that nap with Barbie!
I am jealous that you have moved and are not just across the street where I could be sharing these moments first hand.

Sherilyn and Donovan said...

That is funny, my girls could do the same! Dash is so cute!

Lanae said...

Oh my goodness - he is just so precious! His newborn pics are darling! And by the way, that messy room is sweet compared to the mass destruction that my crazy 4 boys can do to my house in just under 1 hour. I'm taking pics just to warn their future wives. :)

Macdonalds said...

That looks like my house on a daily basis five minutes after we've just sung the cleanup song and picked everything up. I can't wait for a bigger place, and more rooms to be destroyed.
Dash is precious!

Becky said...

the boys are asking for you every day now, they want to go to Anne's house and play with Ella. I promise one day Kate and Dash will be part of that sentence but for now all they talk about is Ella!

Sarah said...

yes, it could be an article in "parenthood" is that a magazine? I swear it is...
you are an awesome mom! Dash is getting cuter each day hope all is going well:)