Dec 11 @ 4:58 p.m.
7 lbs 2 oz
18 1/4 inches long
Yeah, baby! Let's talk about timing. For weeks I have been having consistent contractions, about 10 minutes apart. Thursday, kyle went to work and I went to my doctor's appointment. They hooked me up to a monitor and unbelievably they started coming every five-seven minutes. mom arrived at the airport from utah at 2:0o p.m., my lifesaver tricia took my kids, shuttled my mom to the hospital, my water broke, and kyle arrived two minutes before surgery at 4:30 p.m., just in time for some real action. It couldn't have worked out more perfectly.
He seemed so alert for only being 12 hours old!
first bath, getting all cleaned up.
grandma anne is awesome. she is like having a personal vacation package on wheels. she brings food, entertainment, reading material, child care, emotional support, and a variety of other services at one low price! FREE. thanks, mom! you made this weekend perfect.
here is the handsome kyle holding his handsome son. love you, babe. 
the mischevious katie-kate.
we seriously need a king bed. there just ain't enough room anymore!
the mischevious katie-kate.
we seriously need a king bed. there just ain't enough room anymore!
Finally! It's the much delayed post. Sometimes e-mails just aren't enough!!!
have you finalized the name?
What a fun time. I'm glad mom is there with you. Hopefully we can make it out this weekend. Your family is so cute! I love you!!!
love him already :) they don't come much cuter than him and he looks so sweet! we can't wait to meet him...try to keep him little until you get out here, okay? i hope you are feeling good and take advantage of gramma anne!
Congratulations! He's adorable. You are so lucky to have your mom out there, shes the best!
CONGRATULATIONS! He is so darling and you look pretty amazing in those pictures for just having that cute little boy!
I am so happy for you! Watching your kids was fantastic and getting to hold the brand new baby made the whole day perfect for me! I'm glad you got a wonderful number three. I've heard it can go both ways. Love ya!
CONGRATS that is so fun, I miss that size. He looks absolutely perfect!! We need to come visit again and help you out!! Let me know when you would be feeling up to company and Tricia and I will come again.
Congratulations! He is so adorable! I love all the new baby pictures. I can't wait to meet him. Those little grandbabies sure have a special bond with Grandma Anne, they don't come until she gets there. I'm glad things went well for you. You look fabulous!
*He definitely makes a special Christmas present.
Getting teary eyed:)
He is perfect Brit!!
So glad all went well, you have a beautiful family.
Merry Christmas!!
What a great Christmas present!!!! I just showed Eva her new cousin and she goes "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he'sssssssssssssssssss sooooooooooooooooooo cute". We can't wait to meet him :)
congrats!!! Sounds like everything went just perfect! Good luck with three.
Congratulations! He's so perfect, I'm so happy for you!
He is so cute! Congratulations Brit!
Brit and Kyle,
The best Christmas present a parent could ask for, a beautiful healthy baby. Now that I have viewed more photos, I agree with you Brit, he does favor Kate. Moms make it all better, no matter how old we get, huh? We cannot wait to meet the little guy in person.
Congratulations! He is awesome! I wish I could just hold him and sniff him for a little bit :) You look FANTASTIC! I never look that good after giving birth! I'm glad Dash is here safe and sound.
Hey Kyle and Brit,
What a handsome little guy!!! How is it to have a boy in the family? Looks like you are loving every minute of it. Congratulations! Hope your recovery is a quick one, Brit!!! Merry Christmas!
It sounds like things are great. Dash is a cute name good job, he is so cute to. We are going to miss you tomorrow at the party. Have a merry christmas.
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