I love the idea of having more kids in our family. Getting them here I love less.
Sure, i love the month or so between 5 and 6 months when i'm not nauseous and not entirely uncomfortable yet, but that month is short lived and I can't believe how miserable i am already and I still have until Dec! the southern heat doesn't help.
Kate continues to point at my belly and say "ball"? No, kate, BABY. I'm hoping to have a name for the kid soon so we can stop referring to it as a "she."
I'm looking for a solid, manly, one-syllable name. I vote Kyle. Kyle votes it's too confusing. I also like Caleb, Mason, Ethan, Grant, and a few others. Feel free to offer suggestions. We are in need.
Also, can maternity clothes get any uglier? Oh, wait, they just did! I'm looking for something with style inbetween "tent" and "speed suit." And no, all those cute layers won't help me in 100 percent humidity.
Pix: Ella went to timeout for tormenting Kate. When i came back Kate decided to keep her company in the corner. Sorry about the no shirts but my kids love being naked. We are working on that.
Ella also told me this week to tell my brain to tell my mouth to not be mad at her after she took all the clothes off our hangers in the master closet.
Still not sure what was trying to accomplish although today she was talking about becoming a bear and hibernation and finding a cave . . .
I vote Grant. I always think of Cary Grant when I hear that name. He was SO handsome.
What Brittney failed to tell everyone is that we already have a name, Frank.
I like Frank ok, but I think Ella, Kate, and Kent. It's a random name, but it's one I've always liked. Grant is cute too though! I agree, Cary Grant was a good looking man.
tell your brain to tell your mouth!? That tops the list of the cutest things I have ever heard...and i have heard some pretty cute things!
Ok, i can't help with the name game, I'm having a hard enough time thinking of a boy name for out family (no NOT pregnant) but there is that chance that the next shot could be a boy and I havn't the foggiest on a name. Out of the ones you picked hmmmm...
Ella, Kate & Ethan. I know so far the vote has been GRANT but i think of an old man...that's just me though.
however, Grant Gillespie does have a ring to it.
The video ends just a second too soon.
Sienna always has to join Audrey in time out.
All of your boy names were 2 syllables except Grant. I like Frank. :) Wil Frank?
Also- I think your SON would prefer being called "it" over "she"
Oh- we're going to put Sienna in gymnastics. Matt said we'll never mortgage our house (twice) like Shawn Johnson's parents though. He just doesn't catch the dream. jk
Love ya!
grant gillespie? please don't actually do that. well, please don't actually do frank :)
not that our opinion will determine your pick, but we love the single-syllable, too! our fav in the list you gave was kyle...and then ethan. but i can't imagine a child of your's with the name ethan.
what about chase? i have always been hoping you would use that name because jake won't let me use it :)
love kate's video. she is darling and we wish you lived closer.
good luck! i am glad i am not the one picking out the names. it's too hard :) i'll send any ideas your way.
i like chase. it goes on and off the list. frank comes from grandpa frank is about as cool as they get . . . keep the ideas coming.
I love, love, love Grant! What about Ayden?? And I have always loved Zach.
Sorry you're so miserable, I've always hated being pregnant in the summer, it's absolutely DREADFUL!!
Hope it cools off soon!
We miss you guys!!
What about Michael (or Mike if you want the one syllable thing) Ella, Kate and Michael?? Of the ones you listed I like Mason best. Have fun figuring it out!!
Of your choices I would pick Caleb (just a lot of good association with that name). Some other suggestions: Nate or Nathan, Toby, Jared, or, if you want him to be really awesome, Wayne.
tell your brain to tell your fingers to book a flight to Utah. Names are hard, although mine were picked before the kids were even concieved. Boy, one cylable. . . I don't know, I am determined my next one is a girl so that is all I think about! You can't do Chase it's too clost to Jace. I can't give you any ideas, you would like what I pick and then I couldn't use it! I like Mason, Collin, Brayden, Braxton (only if you have a lot of Braxton hix)Ethan is cute. Your pick, good luck
Frank anything...no.
Ethan Morgan Gillespie, good.
Oh, Ayden Morgan Gillespie....now that has a nice ring to it!!
Chase Morgan sounds like the name of a bank. Grant and Morgan don't fit together and you know I am voting for Morgan in the name somewhere.
You could always name him a good southern name like Billy Bob or John Frank or Kenny Joe or Frank Eddie. The little guy would fit right in Demopolis, Alabamer.
Hope to see you soon, we miss you guys
I'm confused you said you want a manly one syllable name and then the example you gave was kyle. Isn't kyle 2 syllables and then there is the manly part. HA! I think ethan, mason, and caleb are all 2 syllables too. Todd and Luke are a very manly 1 syllable name.
I like Eric! It even sounds good Eric Gillespie. If not Evan says Evan sounds good. Although we decided it would be to confusing for the pending marriage. If you wanted a southern name I would have to say "Gomer". But my first choice would have to be Seth.
One syllable, and manly... why not Dwight?
Good luck, you will pick a good one.
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