Sienna and sadie are such cuties; we were sad to leave. But I'm sure kate left sienna with some ideas on how to get into trouble while we are away.
Kate's first can of soda. She was loving it.
It's amazing how quickly kate can escape from her booster seat, her car seat, her stroller . . . my friend thought I just wasn't using the saftey harnesses correctly so i told her to buckle kate tight and just watch.
This is an exact replica of the ship Nephi built. Ella sewed on the button herself and did all of the carpentry and design.
That picture of Kate is CLASSIC!! You can see the sugar flowing threw those little veins!! Glad the road trip went well and you got back safe and sound...I bet karens kids are DARLING, I always thought she was soo pretty, just like her big sis:)
Maybe I'll see ya next month...wink wink
Thanks for coming- we had a ton of fun. That was so great for Sienna too. I'm glad you made it home safely.
Hey Brit. How are things for you guys. Thanks for checking my blog. When you're here in Utah we'll set up a photo session for your girls. How is pregnancy? Enjoy being pregnant - three kids is life changing! (:
Brit, I found your blog check out mine - can you believe it?
I should of warned you about the name Kate - mine was a houdini too! I completely know what you are talking about.
Of course I am voting for a girl.
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