Where to start. Kyle has rewired the kitchen, hung new lights, moved a plumbing outlet, and is now installing a wood ceiling with some glue, a chop saw, and a hammer. We thought about going to get a nail gun but the nearest lowes is just over an hour away and the hammer thing seems to be working out.
Kyle is my new sub of choice. he is dependable, easy to find, and cheap. Plus, he pays attention to the details unlike the guy who finished my wood floors.

Also, ants have invaded our house. This is a pile from outside but they were all over my shampoo and conditioner tonight in the shower and that just about did me in. I almost packed up the van and headed west.

Ella and her new friend Sydney.

jane, thanks for the new purple jogging suit
it's looking good kyle. i really like the wood on the ceiling...and i hope it doesn't take you forever to nail it all in! and the ants? i can't believe you are still there :)
Looks like you guys are having fun. Sorry about the ants.
Go Kyle! I mean Jason Bourne, Super husband 3,000,000
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