Unfortunately the blog has been put on the back burner lately. I have been busy. The last quarter of class and they have us doing homework, it feels like high school again. Only 5 weeks left and class time is history for the rest of my life!!!
I have found time to play golf about every week. I am playing the best I have ever played, my knee feels great, my clubs are awesome and my swing is getting consistent. Scores for the past 4 rounds: 77, 78, 77, 82.
I have also been working on my business plan for opening a practice when I graduate next year. Talk about time consuming, I could work on this every day all day for weeks and still not have all the info I need. I am trying to be smart and start a year in advance. Financial statements, cash flow, projections, expences, liabilities, inventory, contracts, taxes, the list goes on........, I thought I signed up to be a doctor not a business man, I guess I will be both.

Ella is doing great, she misses Grandma Anne and Janie, and was sad to see them go home. She has a lot of fun with her friends though.

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