If you’ve been on an airplane in the last five years, you know all about the security routine. So there we were with our shoes off and our belongings spread out in a row of plastic bins (laptop, case, ella’s backpack and sippy, kate’s bottle, blankets, etc.) when Ella hits me with “I have to go to the potty right now.” I decided not to let it stress me out. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? And like a champ she made it to the bathroom. Obstacle one, cleared.
Then about an hour later we were standing in the “my flight was just cancelled, what should I do” line. We were pretty much at the end and a nice lady let us go in front of her. I laughed because one space doesn’t get you much closer, but in her words, “Just go ahead. It will make me feel better.”
So no joke, we finally get to the desk and Ella yells out, “Mom, I have to go poops. Hurry.” I looked at the attendant and told him he had about three seconds. He got us those new boarding passes in no time flat and kind of called after us as we were walking away, “Call American Airlines if you have any questions . . .” Obstacle two, cleared.
Anyway, after spending 3 ½ hours in the airport yesterday waiting out the tornados, we’re back at the
Shumways without any luggage enjoying their hospitality—and Karin’s toothbrush. I figured it wouldn’t gross her out if she didn’t know.
It was a crazy day but my girls are good company and in the end we had a lot of fun.
On another note, if you have a minute check out this article:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/04/AR2007040401721.html?referrer=emailarticleIt’s a brilliant piece of writing and pretty much sums up why Kyle chose optometry and I’m a writer. It’s a blessing to have careers where you can make time for a surprise moment of sunshine. So, here’s to the unexpected adventure and finding happiness in an unlikely situation.
Big Mama Brit