my name is Kyle, does anyone remember me? So it has been months since I have updated this blog. I have good reasons though.
For starters I am living all alone in a big house with no kitchen. Have you ever lived in a house with no fridge, stove or microwave? not very fun. I have a cooler full of ice for my milk, and a toaster over for my dinners. My television picks up two fuzzy channels, pbs and abc, and my neighbor has a spotty wireless network.
My new job is great but keeping me busy. When I am not at work I should be studying for Part II or the national board exam that is next week but I have spent most of my waking hours when at home working on the house. This house has about killed me (literally, more later), and It is not even close to being finished. I do now consider myself an electrician, plumber, finish carpenter, painter, grunt laborer, landscaper, and mover(thanks to all those that have helped guide me via phone) you name it I've pretty much had to do it on this house.
I could have died today. While moving the outlet for our stove and after turning the breaker off, I had the heck shocked out of me. After further investigation I figured out that the breaker was labeled wrong and the breaker to the stove is not in the breaker box like it should be. The idiot who labeled the breaker could have killed me. Needless I will not get close to anymore wires without my volt meter.
After having the snot shocked out of me I spent a good part of the day under the house in the crawl space rewiring the stove and moving a water line for the fridge. what a waste of near 80 degree weather on a saturday. A cat lives under our house and I found a full pack of cigarettes under there, I left them for the cat.
By the way last week I did find some cool trails along the tombigbee, black warrior river that I ripped on my cross bike with road tires. I hope to dust of the mountain bike soon and do some exploring.
In summary, over the past month I've worked harder than I ever have, felt like I have been camping and been very lonely (oh yeah I forgot to mention Brittney and the girls are in Utah until January), went to bed at 8:00 or earlier every night and lost 5-10 lbs. If you want to loose weight come live with me, no food and lots of hard work and you will melt away.
Life will get back to normal, I will have a kicthen and a family again, I will blog again and post photos instead of lame stories.

This photo sums up how I feel and how we have been living lately, sleeping in a box.