This J
uly has special meaning for my family. My brother Kirk was honorably discharged from the Marines after 4 years of service and two tours in Iraq. At Church today my dad shared an experience that is maybe too personal to put on a blog but I figured we all need a happy story once in a while, right? And I want to remember it so here goes.
Before Kirk left on his first tour to Iraq, my dad gave him a priesthood blessing. For those of you who aren't familiar with this, it is sort of like an inspired prayer, given by a Melchizedek Priesthood holder, to one who is sick or otherwise in need of special counsel, comfort, or healing.
Anyway, before Kirk left my dad gave him a blessing and the Spirit testified to him that my brother would be alright and would returned unharmed. This gave my dad great comfort and allowed him to reassure my mom while Kirk was away.
Before Kirk's second tour to Iraq, my dad gave him another priesthood blessing. This time, although he had words of counsel for Kirk, he did not feel the same reassurance and peace that Kirk would return unharmed. He said as a father it was very hard for him to send his son away without that reassurance.
While Kirk was away, my dad said he relied on his faith to give him peace, that whatever happened was meant to be and part of God's plan. You could tell that this took effort on his part and I believe my dad grew from this experience and his faith was strengthened.
Needless to say we are so glad that Kirk returning safely to us was part of His plan.
The below picture was taken before Kirk left to the Marines and represents a tender moment between my dad and brother.
I titled this post remembrance because I hope to always remember the often silent sacrifices so many have made to let freedom ring.