Midnight is a good time to blog. What a long week!
-We attended the Moundville Indian festival today. I gave the girls plain waffles in the car because we were running late. When they complained about no syrup, I said, “Well, now you know how the Indians felt.” They liked that and were good Indians and ate all their breakfast.
-The festival was so humid and miserable we gave up after 1 hour and drove to Target instead.
-Dash loves riding in a shopping cart. This is a first for him.
-While we were out to lunch the girls asked me to pretend I was Grandma Anne.
-Kate keeps putting a blanket over her head and calling herself the “Kate Ghost.”
-I haven’t had TV for over two years now. The other day I grabbed the remote, sat on the couch and tried to turn it on to watch it. All I got was fuzz. I guess great habits die hard.
-Kyle was such a sweetie and bought me a digital SLR for mother’s day (May). It was a busy summer, so I told him to rewrap it and give it to me for our Anniversary (August). It is now out of the box but no pictures yet. Alas, he may have to wrap it for Christmas, too.
-Kate told me today I was “the best mom ever.” That felt good.
-I need to live near an awesome gymnastics program. Not my first sport of choice but Kate has skills.