And I am not letting the 5:00pm hour of darkness stop me. It doesn't hurt that it is 70 degrees at 6:45pm either. Ella and I suited up and headed to the country club to ride some laps, we had a great adventure, spotted a dear with her two babies and chased them into someones back yard and a fox was staring us down with his glowing fire eyes but he got away into the woods.

Kate wanted in on the action too. She also loves the stick together bike but her feet don't reach the pedals yet. At least she had fun wearing Ella's helmet.

My car broke down near Selma, yesterday and Brittney had to come rescue me. The Volvo should be ok, it is just stuck in drive so it would not start, hopefully just a broken or loose transmission cable. I have been working in Selma once a week for a doc on maternity leave for the past few months, but she is not coming back so it will be permanent.
The golf situation has been a little bleek lately. I was playing the best I have every played over the past few months, and I attribute it to a special club I put together an R7 460 TP 9.5 degree driver with an Aldilla NV 55 stiff pink 48" shaft. A few months ago I started to notice a hairline crack on the face of the club but it was so awesome I did not want to do anything about it, so I continued to use it and the crack got worse but I could still hit 300+ yard drives with no effort at all. It got so bad that the face was starting to cave in so I sent it back for warranty and went into mourning.
Luck has it they do not produce the same driver anymore and they sent me a new Tour Burner TP driver, which is a great club, one of the best I have hit in a long time but nothing like my old baby. I just cant play golf anymore unless I get a driver I can hit like my 460 tp, it is just not as fun. I am on the search for a new one and hope I find one because I do not want to quit the game. This is a sad, sad situation.
Maybe I will become a regular blogger again.....