It's late. I just finished working for the night and the fam is asleep. All I can think about in my laid-back chair is I am really happy. I have a lot of love in my heart right now for my husband, my kids, my family, my friends.
Just about 35 days left of Birmingham and then we're off to our new home. It's such a relief that Demopolis already feels like home. We've been traveling there every weekend for the past month and it just feels good. I don't know how to explain it, but that's something I want to teach my girls: how to recognize when your instincts and the spirit and the universe are telling you that something is right and meant to be.
The fall always gets me thinking. It's when Kyle and I met; when we fell in love. That was nine years ago and it's amazing to me that things we discussed almost a decade ago are continually coming to pass. We didn't plan on living in Alabama. But what we did plan on was having fun together, raising a family, enjoying the good times, and trying to make a difference.
Kyle has been working hard for as long as I've known him. Worked hard on his bike. Worked hard on his mission. Worked hard during undergrad and now he's working hard at UAB so he can take care of our fam. I love him for everything he does for us, for being such an awesome dad, and for plugging away when it would have been easier to hit the green.
I’m not wishing away the next six months, but I sure am savoring the excitement. School is hard. We have loved the journey and the people and the whole bag. But grad school and tuition and homework and boards and those one or two crazy teachers add a strain that I’m excited to be done with. Not to mention I’m excited to cuddle up on the couch and just watch a few movies: X men III, transformers, reruns of the office, the natalie g show, and a few chick flicks too. No deadlines, no looming pressures; just good old fashioned downtime.
I have a wish list and big plans. I am going to pick up painting, finally get me a decent camera, and start reading all of those books I haven't had time for in ages. I am going to get a scooter with a side carriage, paint it pink, and cruise the countryside with my girls. I am committed to producing some awesome creative for my clients. And overall, I’m going to be filling up my new house in Demopolis with a lot of love and fun; a place where people can come over as they are and leave their worries behind.
Last week at the house while I was giving the girls a bath a red cardinal landed on the tree right outside the window. I took it as a sign.